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December, 2014
You have probably heard the rumor that we live in the information age. When you hear all the talk of “information overload” you really get the impression people are so connected and switched on to what is happening in the world. Then you discover things might not be as they appear to be.

Check out Hans Rosling. He is a wizard at making information easily accessible and, naturally, is also interested in ignorance. He has his “chimp test.” Given a series of questions on any topic, the chimps will score correctly at least on a random basis. His work suggests that most of us, including academics, and particularly the media, do rather worse than the chimps most of the time. So much for all that information.
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The Zen Understanding of Mind and Consciousness

"If I were to save only two books from the whole world of the mystics, one would be Sosan’s Hsin Hsin Ming,” Osho says. “It contains the quintessence of Zen, the path of awareness and meditation…the very soul of Zen."

Step by step, Osho unlocks the meaning within each of Sosan’s verses, laying out a clear understanding of such puzzles as the difference between mind and consciousness, between meditation as practice and as a state of being, and what “choiceless awareness” really means. Each verse of Sosan’s text is illuminated with examples from ordinary life and its common conflicts, problems, and self-created dramas, offered up with a mix of unflinching honesty and light-hearted humor that brings us to the point where problems simply dissolve… often first into laughter, and then into silence.

Protective Aura

When: Every night, last thing before going to sleep. First thing in the morning.
Duration: 4-5 minutes.

Step 1: Imagine a Halo
"Sit on your bed and imagine an aura around your body, just six inches away from your body, the same shape as the body… surrounding you, protecting you. It will become a shield. Still feeling this, go to sleep, fall into sleep imagining that aura like a blanket around you, which protects you from any tension entering from outside, from any thought entering you from outside. No outside vibration can enter you. You fall asleep but that imagination will enter the unconscious and becomes a tremendous force and energy…."
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Prem Tara, Belgium
I was working in a robotic way in a Japanese company as a business trainer; I was just a number and not a person. Here at the OSHO International Meditation Resort I am participating in the Work as Meditation Living In program. I find the work I am doing very satisfying, and enjoy being part of a team. Together we create and maintain this beautiful space were we can meditate and share together. Here I can be myself and live my live in a playful and intense way, being total in everything I do.
I am seen as I am without judgment, and am learning tobe flexible. I find the daily meditations support my work, and I have learned to work in a joyful way and not be stressed. For me this experience is a voyage of discovery.
Naveen, England
To friends and family I was happy and successful. I considered being over-stressed and having periods of mild depression to be quite normal, as everyone I knew experienced this too. I believed life's problems were solved by retail therapy, a few bottles of good wine, or by simply ignoring them.  My moment of realization came when I was moving house; I was shocked by the incredible amount of useless stuff I had accumulated, and how much time and money I had wasted in my “pursuit of  happiness.”
Something needed to change. There are places in the world you should visit and there are places you must visit. The OSHO International Meditation Resort is one of these rare places you must visit. I arrived here over-stressed, over-weight, and over-sensitive, yet in past six months I learned to stop taking life so seriously and enjoy every moment. I still get stressed, but using the techniques I have learned, stress is a momentary thing. Here time doesn't stand still, it goes backwards; I rarely dance when I'm back home, but here I dance with a joy I last felt as teenager. I have always been afraid to sing in public out of fear of the opinions of others: here I sing because I love to sing, without fear of judgment. What I have learned here is something I can take home with me. A bonus to finding happiness inside is that the body changes too. I have lost 20 kg, and I look and feel ten years younger.
The Times of India: E-visa for 43 nations, big boost for tourism

Giving the tourism sector a significant push, the government on Thursday launched the much-touted online visa facility for 43 countries, including the US, Australia, Japan, Israel, Germany and Singapore. Travellers can apply for a visa from the comfort of their homes and receive one within 72 hours.…

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The Speaking Tree: A New Thrill
"You may be born in a Hindu, Christian or Jewish family; they all condition your mind that there is a God. They give a certain image, certain ideas, about God. And they create in you such fear that to doubt is dangerous.…"
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Award Winning OSHO Zen Tarot

Instead of focusing on the traditional tarot approach of trying to satisfy a longing to know about the past and future, the OSHO Zen Tarot brings our awareness to the challenge of gaining an understanding of the here and now.…

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