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April, 2017
It’s not about sticking your foot behind your ear. It’s about what’s between your ears.
Yoga has been defined in many ways. Some say Yoga is the meeting of the mind with the divine. Ego is the barrier, the moment you drop the ego you are joined to the divine. You were already joined; only because of the ego it appeared that you were disjoined. Patanjali’s definition is the most scientific: Yoga is the cessation of mind. Yoga is the state of no-mind.
The word mind covers everything – your egos, your desires, your hopes, your philosophies, your religions, your scriptures. Whatsoever you can think, is mind. All that is known, all that can be known, all that is knowable, is within mind.…
Tantra is feminine, Yoga is male. Tantra is surrender, Yoga is will. Tantra is effortlessness, Yoga is tremendous effort. Tantra is passive, Yoga is active. Tantra is like the earth, Yoga is like the sky. They meet at the top, but at the foothill where the journey starts you have to choose one path.
Tantra and Yoga reach the same goal; however their paths are not only different but contrary. Like Tantra, Yoga depends on action, method, technique. Doing leads to being – but the process is different. Yoga is suppression with awareness; Tantra is indulgence with awareness.
Tantra says that whatsoever you are, you can grow to the ultimate. In Yoga you have to fight with yourself to go beyond.…
Talks on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Osho says: "This is the definition of Yoga, the best definition. Yoga has been defined in many ways; there are many definitions. Some say Yoga is the meeting of the mind with the divine; hence, it is called yoga – yoga means meeting, joining together. Some say that Yoga means dropping the ego, ego is the barrier: the moment you drop the ego you are joined to the divine. You were already joined; it only appeared that you were not joined because of the ego. There are many definitions, but Patanjali’s is the most scientific. He says: Yoga is the cessation of mind.”
I am currently working as a freelance video journalist in Delhi. I grew up in a conservative Tamil family in the south, with a religious background. I mostly work with news agencies, with NGO’s doing lots of news and features, and right now I am working on my own documentary – something about mental health in women. I am still refining the idea, so it is a work in progress. I am thirty years old and moved to Delhi eight years ago.
“We are too much concerned with thoughts and never aware of the gaps. One thought passes, and before another enters there is a gap – in that gap the sky is there. Then, whenever there is no thought, what is there? The emptiness is there.” Osho
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